Socket programming in C
The TCP client/server simulator program is written in C to represent how a TCP 3-way handshake works in practice.
The server program initiates a TCP connection and listens to the client’s connection request. The client sends an SYN header request to the server, to which the server replies with an SYN/ACK header. Finally, the client responds with an ACK header to indicate a successful TCP connection.
Note: Verify that the git and C compiler is installed on your local machine.
Clone the repository to your local computer
git clone
Goto Server/ and run below commands, \
make "enter" (this will compile the c file and create the server executable)
./server "port" (“port” is an integer that the server will use to bind the TCP socket)
Goto Client/ and run below commands \
make "enter" (this will compile the c file and create the client executable)
./client "port" (“port” takes the same value that you’ve assigned to the server)
And Voila, now you have a TCP server and client communicating with each other and simulating the 3-way-handshake process.
TCP 3-way Handshake Process
1) The client sends s SYN message to the server.
2) The server receives the SYN message, modifies the header, and sends the SYN+ACK message.
3) The client receives the SYN+ACK message, modifies the header, and responds with ACK message.
4) TCP connection terminates.
© 2022 TCP handshake by Ujjwal, No rights reserved