ICS-414 class helped me to enhance my knowledge of Software engineering concepts and technologies. The course is project-based and focuses on understanding project requirements, design, quality assurance, and deliverables meeting deadlines. My team and I created a Legislative Bill tracker application for the Department of Education. We utilized the MeteorJS framework using ReactJS on the front end and MongoDB as a backend database. We followed an agile Issue Driven Project Management approach throughout the development process, where we split the use cases(requirements) into issues and worked on those issues independently. The project had six milestones, and our team focused on addressing multiple issues in each milestone.
One of the most critical takeaways from this class is the invaluable experience we acquired by interfacing with the clients, understanding the requirements, and presenting our work during multiple milestones. We sought feedback from the Client and Professor during the development process and made changes to the application accordingly. Our final version of the application satisfied the requirements requested by the Clients, such as appropriate authentication and authorization, integrating workflows, notifications, and the ability to send emails. We implemented unit, integration, and acceptance testing to ensure that the application integrity is preserved and mitigate any bugs within the application. We used GitHub Actions to build the project for continuous integration, and the workflow would trigger during a push event on the main branch. Various tests would run during the build, and the build passes only if all the requirements and tests are satisfied.
In addition to the above, this class helped me become a better team player. We worked in a group, and I had a great experience collaborating with my team. We reviewed each other’s code following the guidelines and provided feedback to improve the overall quality of our application. Overall this class has helped me immensely to become a better software developer.
Note: Further details about the project can be found here