Rate My Classes - Manoa

Rate My Classes - Manoa

Ratemyclassesmanoa.club is the platform that three of my groupmates and I created as a final project for the ICS-314 class at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Creating this website aims to facilitate users to view and add reviews to the UH classes and professors. In addition to that, the website allows users to create a profile, view their past reviews, and find out about the upcoming community events at the UH campus.

My Contribution

My contributions to the project are listed below,


Working on this project, I gained experience working in a team and accomplishing the milestone before the deadlines. I boosted my HTML, Javascript, React, Meteor, and CSS skills. Additionally, I acquired valuable experience working with other technological stacks such as Semantic UI React, Uniforms, Github, Testcafe, and Digital Ocean.

Walkthrough of the website

Source code for the project