

“Game of Pokemon” is the game that my groupmates and I developed in our ICS-211 class. This game works somewhat like Pokemon Go without the GPS. The top section of the game is for catching Pokemon. Once the user captures the Pokemon, the program stores the Pokemon in the backpack for later use. There are many buttons in the game, and all serve different purposes. The program randomly decides if the Pokemon gets caught, and it displays the result of the draw on the screen. The bottom section of the game is where the total number of stored Pokemon is displayed. It will let us choose the sorting strategy and shows the result based on our choice.


“Game of Pokemon” was built using the Java programming language. It is made to integrate with the Java libraries such as swing and awt for creating an interactive GUI. The project contributed to refining my skills in Java and getting familiar with the GUI. I learned about different sorting algorithms and GUI components such as frames, panels, labels, layout, etc. Since we developed the game as a team, it required us to collaborate and walk team members through our code to clear about the game’s functional aspect. We created the game within two weeks, and everyone had an equal contribution.

Source Code “Pokedex”